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- <title>
- UN Peacekeeping and Aid to Russia
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- Foreign Policy Bulletin, May/June 1992
- U.N. Peacekeeping And Aid To Russia. Speech by Senator
- Claiborne Pell, March 12, 1992
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- <p>Speech by Senator Claiborne Pell, Chairman of the Senate
- Foreign Relations Committee, March 12, 1992
- </p>
- <p> Mr. President, in the great sweep of history there are only
- rare times to make truly revolutionary changes: 1815, 1919, and
- 1945 were such times. Then leaders truly had the opportunity to
- remake the world. However, such opportunities lasted only a
- short period of time. Having been shaken up by war or
- revolution, international affairs soon settled into new
- patterns. The patterns set in 1815 lasted 99 years, ending in
- the First World War. The architects of the peace at Versailles
- were less successful, largely because the United States opted
- out of the ambitious peace we ourselves proposed, and the world
- dissolved into a Second World War just 20 years later. The
- patterns set in 1945--patterns which evolved into a Cold War
- between adversarial superpowers and which either by luck or the
- grace of God avoided mutual destruction--lasted 44 years.
- </p>
- <p> We are now blessed by another opportunity to remake the
- world, an opportunity few of us thought we would have in our
- lifetimes. Extraordinary circumstances have brought down the
- Berlin Wall, ended the division of Europe, freed the countries
- of Eastern Europe and the Baltics, terminated the Warsaw Pact,
- abolished communism in Europe, and dissolved the Soviet Union
- itself. Most extraordinary, these events were the product of
- almost entirely peaceful change. Unlike our predecessors in
- 1815, 1919, and 1945, we are not remaking a world destroyed by
- years of total war.
- </p>
- <p> In 1919 the failure of American leadership helped produce a
- Second World War in just 20 years. We should not delude
- ourselves about the consequences of a similar failure to lead.
- </p>
- <p>Importance of a Democratic Russia
- </p>
- <p> Russia, a country that still commands the military resources
- to destroy the world, has transformed itself from a
- totalitarian dictatorship to a fledgling democracy. For the
- first time in its thousand year history, Russia has a firmly
- established leader democratically chosen by the Russian people.
- And that President has told us that his country does not merely
- want to be a partner of the United States but instead would like
- to be thought of as an ally. He has gone so far as to propose
- Russian membership in NATO, and with luck we may in a few years
- be able to speak not of the three permanent Western powers on
- the United Nations Security Council, but of four such powers.
- </p>
- <p> But we cannot assume that democracy will succeed in Russia
- and that Russia will be our ally with no effort whatsoever on
- our part. As the experience of Weimar Germany in the 1930s so
- graphically demonstrated, democracy cannot thrive and indeed
- may not survive in the face of economic ruination. Communism
- has devastated Russia and the other countries that were once
- part of the Soviet Union. Helping people long oppressed by
- communism is not merely an act of altruism; it is an act of
- fundamental national self-interest.
- </p>
- <p> It is a widely remarked fact that in modern history there
- has never been a war between two democratic nations. Democratic
- Russia can be our ally; a dictatorial Russia can never be a
- partner or even a friend. The success of democracy in Russia
- will vastly reduce the security threat, including the nuclear
- threat to the United States. With democratic Russia as an ally,
- we can develop a strategy for other potential threats to our
- national security such as the situation that existed last year
- in the Persian Gulf.
- </p>
- <p> If democracy in Russia fails, we might well again be
- vulnerable to a military threat and a nuclear threat from
- Russia. With democratic Russia as a friend, nasty regional
- adversaries such as Iraq, Iran, and Libya can be dealt with
- effectively. With authoritarian Russia as an adversary even tiny
- Grenada is considered a threat to the United States worthy of
- the sacrifice of the lives of our young service people.
- </p>
- <p>The Marshall Plan and Aid to Russia
- </p>
- <p> In 1948 the United States recognized that an infusion of
- cash could make an enormous difference in the political
- evolution of Western Europe. In the four years of the Marshall
- Plan we spent $80 billion, in 1990 dollars, to set those
- war-ravaged countries on their feet. The money we gave Western
- Europe was without doubt the best investment we made in our
- national security in the whole Cold War period. Imagine how
- different the world would be if we had adopted the isolationist
- course of 1919 after World War II, if we had insisted only on
- looking after our own people and forgotten the people of Western
- Europe. Without the Marshall Plan it is likely that much, if not
- all, of Western Europe would have gone Communist. The military
- burden of defending the United States would have been even
- greater than it was in the divided Europe of the Cold War. And
- we would have been a far less prosperous nation, for the
- economic success of Europe directly contributed to economic
- growth in our own country.
- </p>
- <p> As we contemplate the extraordinary opportunity that exists
- in Russia, we must choose between the policy of 1919 and the
- policy of 1948. We can do nothing and hope for the best. But if
- so, we had better prepare for the worst, and preparing for the
- worst will cost us a lot more than an aggressive policy of
- assisting democratic Russia.
- </p>
- <p> Let us not delude ourselves. Assisting Russia is a major
- undertaking. Russia is an enormous land with some 150 million
- people. So far our much publicized humanitarian airlift has
- provided enough to feed Moscow for one day. The President has
- proposed $320 million a year to vanquish communism in Russia;
- just three-fifths of the amount the Reagan Administration spent
- in 1985 to fight communism in the tiny country of El Salvador.
- And Russia, if I may remind my colleagues, is closer to our
- shores than El Salvador.
- </p>
- <p> On the other hand, the benefits of aiding Russia are vast.
- We will be able to make large savings on our military budget,
- savings that will far exceed, even on an annual basis, the
- amount of assistance we need to provide Russia. Further, as
- Russia recovers from seventy years of communism it will become
- an important trading partner and its economic growth will
- contribute to our own prosperity much as the earlier recoveries
- in Western Europe benefitted us in the 1950s.
- </p>
- <p> Aiding Russia will not be as expensive as the Marshall Plan.
- When the United States put up $20 billion a year to Western
- Europe we were the only country in the world capable of putting
- up such money. With the end of World War II we were, at least
- economically speaking, the only power left standing. Today,
- there are other nations able to assist Russia, and indeed, the
- countries of the European Community and Japan are probably
- financially better able to provide assistance. U.S. cash is
- needed but perhaps at only 10-20 percent of our Marshall Plan
- commitments, that is to say between $2 and $4 billion a year.
- Europe, Japan, and the wealthy Arab OPEC States, who really owe
- us after the Gulf War, can certainly come up with most of the
- cash. But such assistance will not be forthcoming without U.S.
- leadership. Leadership is the burden of being the world's last
- superpower, and so far such leadership has been woefully
- lacking.
- </p>
- <p> The Administration has shown a stunning lack of vision in
- its approach to aid to Russia and other countries of the former
- Soviet Union. President Nixon has rightly described President
- Bush's proposals as "pathetically inadequate." But the
- Congress, too, has shown a decided lack of leadership and vision
- in responding to the new world order.
- </p>
- <p>Funding U.N. Peacekeeping
- </p>
- <p> The new cooperative relationship between the United States
- and Russia has enabled us to resolve an astonishing array of
- regional conflicts. Working under the umbrella of the United
- Nations, settlements have been reached to such longstanding and
- divisive conflicts as those in Namibia, Angola, El Salvador,
- Western Sahara, Cambodia, Iran-Iraq, as well as the more recent
- wars between Iraq and Kuwait and within the former Yugoslavia.
- </p>
- <p> During the Cold War the United States was engaged at various
- levels of cost and commitment in these conflicts. For example,
- we gave some $15 million a year to the non-Communist resistance
- in Cambodia, we gave much larger sums to Jonas Savimbi's fight
- against the Marxist regime in Angola, and we spent billions
- fighting the Communists in El Salvador. Now these conflicts are
- being resolved entirely on American terms. In each of the above
- cases free elections are being arranged by the United Nations,
- and in no case did the Marxist forces gain even one iota of
- what they sought.
- </p>
- <p> Now, however, having won our battles with the Marxists at
- great expense, the Congress appears unwilling to spend the
- relatively small sums required to win the war. I am dismayed at
- the apparent unwillingness of many in Congress to pay the
- relatively modest sums required for the peacekeeping forces
- needed to consolidate our victories. I read in the press of
- complaints at the skyrocketing cost of U.N. peacekeeping. Of
- course the costs have gone up. It is entirely a function of how
- many of the world's conflicts have been resolved and of how
- many victories America has won. And may I remind my colleagues
- that, however costly U.N. peacekeeping is, it is far less costly
- to the United States than the price we paid for our earlier
- involvements in these regional conflicts. And, of course, the
- success of peacekeeping promises to save hundreds of thousands
- of lives around the world as well as reorient billions of
- dollars from the destruction of war to the promise of peace.
- </p>
- <p> Both the Bush Administration and the Congress have been
- counting the pennies while missing the prize. The Bush
- Administration risks letting slip by an historic opportunity to
- remake the world by helping Russia remake itself. The Congress,
- by its reticence to fund the Administration's request for
- peacekeeping, risks jeopardizing the extraordinary gains
- freedom has made in all corners of the globe.
- </p>
- <p> I accept that we have enormous problems at home. Many of
- these problems are the direct result of the enormous financial
- burden carried by the American people in the defense of freedom
- during the Cold War. But let us not delude ourselves; many of
- our problems are also due to our self-indulgent behavior during
- the 1980s when we borrowed from our children to avoid paying our
- own bills. Sure, the Cold War was expensive, but a lot of our
- problems are the product of a decade of borrow, borrow; spend,
- spend and have nothing to do with the need to protect against
- the Soviet Union. And, therefore, it is a tired and pathetic
- excuse to say that our past burdens exempt us from meeting our
- current obligations either with regard to the opportunities in
- Russia or the legally owed dues for peacekeeping.
- </p>
- <p>("The New World Order: A Time for Action Not Whining,"
- Congressional Record, March 12, 1992.)
- </p>
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